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Services Price List


Crystal Transpersonal Therapy


Crystal Transpersonal Therapy pin points, explores and heals deep rooted emotional issues such as Inner Child Healing & Karmic/Ancestral healing. As well as facilitating growth on your spiritual path; from deeper connection to crystals to finding your spirit animal.


Crystal Healing

£45 - 1 hour

Brings balance peace & harmony and increased vitality.Crystal Healing is an essential part of maintaining your overall holisitc health, by keeping your chakras in balance, your aura clean and free from attatchments, additionally it is very effective for healing a range of physical ailments and pain in the body, such as back pain and arthritis.


Rahanni Celestial HEaling

£35 - 1 hour

'Rahanni' means, 'of one heart'. It is not based on any religions nor does it associate itself with any particular religions or groups. 

It is an ancient healing modality that is now having a resurgence to help shift humanity into a new vibration. 

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Chakra Balance

After an initial assessment checking for blockages or over-activity, a range of techniques are used to bring your chakra system into alignment and thus leaving you in a balanced state of being. Advice, recommendations and targets can be set for further practice at home or between sessions. 

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Oracle card reading

Relationship focused reading with the Faeries & various Oracle decks. 

I will email you the mp3 of the reading and a pdf of images from your reading. 



 Approx 20- 35 minutes 

10 card reading

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Crystal Ayurveda Facials

Crystal facials contain the use of crystals combined with ancient Ayurveda massage techniques and 100% natural ingredients that are selected to match your skin type and prepared fresh at the beginning of your session. 5000 year old proven recepies. Powerful acne clearer, works wonders on all skin types.

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Crystal Reiki (Usui)

Reiki balances the 'body-mind' and heals across all timelines.

As a 'Crystal Reiki Master' I combine Usui Reiki with crystals to accelerate the powerful healing effects this stand alone modality has. A very effective natural pain relief alternative. Regular treatments help reverse long term dis-eases & keep you balanced & clear both mentally & emotionally. 


Distance Healing


Combination of Crystal Healing techniques, Rahanni and other healing modalities. Can be sent to any person across the globe (as long as you have their permission, if you are requesting for somebody other than yourself) Name of person & their location required, photo preferred but not necessary. applicable to all ages as well as Pets/animals. Exactly the same process as 'Crystal Healing' just delivered remotely.


Soul Retrieval

Part of crystal Transpersonal Therapy


Past Life Regression

Part of crystal Transpersonal Therapy


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