Facilitating Growth & Empowerment
What is CTT?
Stressed? Depressed? feeling lost? Grieving? I can help!
Crystal Transpersonal Therapy (CTT) is my own unique powerful system that combines all of my expertise and knowledge, including; Crystal Therapy, Energy Healing and Vibrational Medicine mixed with Transpersonal Psychotherapy, and Coaching, that is rooted in ancient wisdom and spiritual philosophies.
Within CTT we explore ways we can facilitate your own personal growth and ultimately heal wholly and align with peace.
Having CTT consistently for a period of time accelerates your healing journey and spiritual development.
It often follows the pattern of; identification, Clarification, exploration, releasing, re-discovering and authentication ™
Meaning we peel back all the layers you have built up overtime, to reveal the most happy authentic version of yourself, fully living in your personal power.
CTT is a non invasive, natural, holistic and complementary therapy, that works by treating each individual as a 'whole' additionally factoring in spiritual wellbeing.
Many people come to me having tried traditional talking therapies, CBT, and prescribed medications, seeing little to no difference in their mental, emotional and physical heath. CTT works for many to bridge the gap that is missing in the methods mentioned above, with 98% of clients feeling CTT was the missing piece that brings them back to full wellbeing, or the stand alone treatment that allows them to live a happier life.
"Hi Bianca, Thanks so Much for yesterday! I feel it really helped me more so than talking to a therapist, and I cant thank you enough. I have been waiting a long time to feel some normality again, and I feel so much more peaceful right now! I would love to get regular treatments"
Lucy Thurgood
What happens?
The value in a CTT session with me is incredible, and is the equivalent of having a counsellor, healer and coach all in one!
20 minute pre assessment session via phone, video call or email
60 + Minute Crystal Therapy session
Mini reading
Email of findings
Digital Coaching and action plan
20 minute check in session 7 days later
I build a bespoke session tailor made to your needs
The main session within this service will resemble the same process as an ‘on bed’ crystal healing session - the laying on of stones to the body, but the methods, systems and techniques I use are very different to that of a crystal healing/chakra balance session.
Sessions often include the use of:
Singing bowls
Tuning forks
Guided meditation
Reiki & Other energy healing modalities
Shamanic Techniques
Essential oils, smudges and sacred herbs
All of the above will be discussed before your session, to make sure you are both comfortable with these and do not have allergies etc.
You will always remain fully clothed during a session. Hands on healing (hands placed directly on the body) is discretionary also.
Themes that often come up for people in CTT:
Inner child healing
Ancestral healing & DNA activation
Spirit guides/animals
Karmic healing
Womb healing
Soul retrieval
Past life healing
Who's it for?
CTT can be carried out on anyone, regardless of gender, age etc. Children under 16 years old will need a guardian to sit in the session with them.
Best For:
Any emotional or mental health issues.
Those that are interested in self development.
Those want to be guided along their spiritual path.
You do not have to have a ‘particular issue’ to benefit from this service
Depression sufferers
Processing grief
Feeling lost
Personal development, growth and self discovery
Breaking Negative thinking patterns
CBT alternative
Keeping you in alignment
Rid guilt
Manage addiction holistically
S.A.D (Seasonal affective disorder)
harmonizing Relationships with others
Book this service if:
Take this service if you want to:
Feel happier, peaceful and balanced
Treat your whole being, body mind, and soul after a time of trauma or crisis
Realise things that have been holding you back in life
Work on releasing old emotional wounds, rather than burying them for later
Gain clarity around your future and goals and purpose
Improve your relationships with others
Deepen your relationship and connection to yourself
If you have read this far along, ask yourself what you have to loose?
What will it cost you emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even financially if you do not get the support and guidance you need now to grow into the most authentic and healthy version yourself that you imagine in your dreams?
Why Choose CTT?
CTT deals with your whole issue holistically, taking into consideration you as a 'whole' meaning your mind, body, soul. Other solutions do not do this; When you go to a counsillor you verbalise your thoughts and feelings, and then walk away at the end of the session. For many bringing this up to the surface and then not doing anything with it is not enough, and can in some cases make people feel worse. When you see a Psychotherapist, they may give you suggestions or event pitch to you a reason WHY you feel like 'x'. Having understanding of the cause of an issue is a fantastic step, but For many this alone will not solve their issues, they will simply use this and an 'excuse' to let it keep on interfering with their life; " I can't help it! I"m like X because Y!". When you take medications, they are good for helping you stabilise your emotions and perhaps resume your 'normal life', and although they are in many cases necessary, they will only suppress unhealed traumas and unworked through emotions for as long as yo are on them, in many cases you sacrifice emotional sensitivity, as they are known to 'numb' your feelings, many people become heavily reliant on anti depressants, which are full of elements that are also found inside crystals and minerals. As you can see the above examples do not take into consideration 'you' as an individual or you at a should level, as they usually work on pre set foundation of diagnosis's, meaning ig you have 'xyz' symptoms you need to be treated with 'abc'. I have the upmost respect for all types of therapists and healthcare professionals, and do not discourage you from utilising them, however I to urge you to consider having CTT with me so we can explore 'you' fully, including in a spiritual sense and at a soul level what may need to be done to fully heal, liberate and transform your life for the better. In CTT I will support you the best I can, not only in our one to one sessions, but after, giving you tangible goals that will help you in the process of healing, AND help who with accountability in carrying those out. I want you to be able to see the results you want in your life! And am dedicated from going above and beyond to make that happen for you. Working beyond just your mindset, and on all levels.
Recap: 20 minute pre assessment session via phone, video call or email
60 + Minute Crystal Therapy session
Mini reading
Email of findings
Digital Coaching and action plan
20 minute check in session 7 days later
Ridiculously affordable at just £70 per session
I Look forward to working with you, Namaste
Please note I have currently disabled the online booking system please call the number below.
or text 'call back' followed by your name (e.g. Call Back Julia) to the number below and I will call you back
to discuss or book a session
07572 08 4460