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Beyond Rose Quartz - C.png

About the 13th Rite: 


The womb is not a place to store fear and pain, the womb is a place to create and give birth to life. 


This is the 13th rite of the womb, an energetic transmission, born of the feminne spirit of the jungle, and the 10th rite of the Munay-Ki. 


This is a contemporary ritual that clears, transmutes, and re-sets, the womb, sacral, cosmic womb and helps to release ancestral trauma, and any collective trauma formed by female repression. 


This work is an integral part of our spiritual work and development, but I am extremely called to give this away at this time, due to the amount of women suffering with abnormal cycles, bleeding, misscarriage and ovarian issues as a result of either taking a C**** jab or a being around those who have had one, as research is showing. 


I hold no judgement on your anyones views, choices and beliefs around this topic, and ask that we not focus or discuss this, but simply focus on giving and receiving this healing on the day.


Whether or not you currently have any womens related issues, or have suffered any trauma related to your sexuality in this lifetime, the 13th rite of the womb is still a great way to help the collective heal from our past repression as women, and is open to all. 


If I have previously given you this rite and you would like to come along and help on the day please feel free to do so! 


About the Workshop: 


An afternoon of meditation, discovery and connection to the self. Exploring how crystals can aid us in our personal journeys of self compassion and love. 


Whether you want to indulge and dedicate some time to your sacred self care, or are currently swimming through the waves of grief; Join me for a beautiful afternoon of exploration into the mineral kingdom. 


Crystals helped me evolve through my most traumatic times, and I have been 'walking on the stone path' ever since as a Crystal Therapist, helping others to benefit from crystal energy in their own lives. 


Discover how the healing power of crystals can aid us in connecting, clearing and opening our heart space, and allow us to receive valuable messages for our own personal journeys towards complete self acceptance.


Have you ever been gifted some Rose Quartz?

A powerful, important healing crystal, but due to its easy availability, perhaps 'overly prescribed' by the internet trying to sell it to you for just about everything; In pain? Rose quartz new baby? Rose quartz

New house, new car, spiritual awakening, anxiety, stressed, getting married, going to space, got a cold, want to connect to angels? guessed have some Rose Quartz!

As a crystal expert, I can honestly say, for all of the above listed situations,I can recommend a crystal better suited to each specific situation listed, other than Rose Quartz! 


You will learn about  and handle some of the most powerful heart based crystals and in which life situations they can aid you in.


We will do a heart alignment meditation and receive a message from the Crystal Deva of your selected stone.


Upon reflection You will have the opportunity to write and/or share Sacred Self love vows based on the messages received during the evening, to help set your intentions on your self love journey.


And also to send back love and forgiveness to the ancestors, helping to heal and spread love across all time-lines.


I am SOUL excited to hold this space, and share with you! 


If you want to learn more about crystals and meet like minded people I urge you to come along and make this time for yourself!


I am so excited to be in and amongst the community in person, even if you wish to 


You may want to bring something to sit on, possibly even a beach tent if you have one, with the unpredictable british weather! Your favourite journal or notebook if you have one (paper provided if not) a drum or rattle if you have one. Food for sharing or just snacks for yourself (not mandatory), I also make no demand for food to be vegan or veggie, I feel we should not judge, others for their own dietary choices, and not enforce others follow our own choices, anyone who wishes to attend will be held in this space as equals, regardless of any personal lifestyle choices, beliefs or opinions. 


This event will be hosted on southend sea front, exact location to be confirmed nearer the time and will be sent to all those who book a place. 

£15  energy exchange 

Please contact me for my paypal details. 

Namaste, Bianca xx

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FAQ Answers

You do not have to have received all the other rites of the Munay-ki, before receiving the 13th rite and it is fine if you wish to receive the rest of them in the future, this will not 'mess up the order' etc. 

Men can attend the ceremony if all participants are comfortable with this. 

Men who attend should be in full support of all the women in attendance and should be briefed and educated on the goings on in order to be part of it. Having the Sacred masculine present can be a beautiful experience if it is in true alignment. 

Men and Trans people that would like to receive the 13th rite are welcome to do so. 

Why 13th and not 10th?

Before the Rite of the Womb there were nine Munay-Ki rites.

Though the rite of the womb is the tenth rite to be given to us, it is a feminine rite and does not need to follow linearity.

The lineage that passed this rite to us wants us to honor the thirteen moons of a year, which are connected to the cycles of the womb.

If I had a hysterectomy can I receive this rite?

If your uterus was removed is even more important that you receive this rite.  Energetically you still have your womb and it is vital that you reconnect with it to reclaim your feminine wisdom and power. After you receive the rite it is fundamental that you nurture it every dark moon to heal any imprints of pain and sorrow and step into joy and compassion.

Can pregnant women receive the rite?

This rite is a blessing for the mother and the baby since it will inform both beings. Nevertheless it is important to give it with extra gentleness and reverence for life, and also to honor the intuition of the mother to be.

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